How to Obtain EIN For Oklahoma Foreign LLC

If you are starting a business in the United States and you are a foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC) looking to expand to Oklahoma, it is essential to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify your business for tax purposes.

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Obtaining an EIN for an Oklahoma foreign LLC may seem like a complex process, but with proper guidance, it can be relatively straightforward. This article will provide a step-by-step guide on how to obtain an EIN for your Oklahoma foreign LLC.

How to Obtain EIN For Oklahoma Foreign LLC is completely useful to know, many guides online will accomplish you more or less How to Obtain EIN For Oklahoma Foreign LLC, however i recommend you checking this How to Obtain EIN For Oklahoma Foreign LLC . I used this a couple of months ago later than i was searching upon google for How to Obtain EIN For Oklahoma Foreign LLC

Preliminary Considerations

Before starting the application process, there are a few preliminary considerations that you should address:


Verify if your foreign LLC is eligible for an EIN. To be eligible, your foreign LLC should have a registered agent in the state of Oklahoma. Furthermore, you must already have an EIN from the IRS for your foreign LLC at the federal level.

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yourself as a Foreign LLC

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Register your foreign LLC as an authorized foreign entity with the Oklahoma Secretary of State by filing the required documents. This step is crucial, as you cannot obtain an EIN without being authorized to do business in the state.

Register for Oklahoma Tax Identification

You must register your foreign LLC with the Oklahoma Tax Commission to obtain an Oklahoma Tax Identification number. This registration is an essential requirement for obtaining an EIN in Oklahoma.

Application Process

Once you have addressed the preliminary considerations, follow these steps to apply for an EIN for your Oklahoma foreign LLC:

Step 1: Gather Required Information

To complete the EIN application, you need to gather certain information about your foreign LLC. Prepare the following details:

1. The legalized/legal name of your foreign LLC.

2. The trade/business name of your foreign LLC (if different from the legalized name).

3. The mailing (principal) address of your foreign LLC.

4. The country of jurisdiction of your foreign LLC.

5. The date your foreign LLC was formed.

6. The date your foreign LLC started business in Oklahoma.

7. The number of members or owners of your foreign LLC.

8. The name and address of your foreign LLC's registered agent in Oklahoma.

9. A description of your foreign LLC's business activities.

Step 2: Download and Complete the EIN Application

Download Form SS-4, the Application for Employer Identification Number, from the IRS website. This form is offered in PDF format, and you can fill it out electronically to expedite the process.

Step 3: Fill Out the Form

Complete the Form SS-4 with the information gathered in Step 1. Double-check that all the details are accurate to avoid delays or complications in the application process.

Step 4: Review

Review the completed Form SS-4 to ensure its accuracy and completeness. Errors or incomplete information can lead to rejection or additional delays. Take the time to verify every field before moving forward.

Step 5: Submit the Application

Once you have completed the Form SS-4, you can submit it to the IRS. There are three options to choose from:

1. Mail:

- Send the completed form to the address provided in the form instructions. Be sure to use certified mail to have proof of delivery.

2. Fax:

- Fax the completed form to the number provided in the form instructions. Retain the confirmation of the fax transmission.

3. Online:

- Apply online through the IRS website by following the link provided in the form instructions.

Step 6: Confirmation

After submitting your completed Form SS-4, you should receive a letter from the IRS within a few weeks. The letter will provide you with your EIN for your Oklahoma foreign LLC. This letter is significant and should be kept in a secure location, as you will need your EIN for various tax-related purposes, such as opening bank accounts or filing tax returns.


Obtaining an EIN for your Oklahoma foreign LLC is an important step in establishing your business presence in the state. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth application process. Remember to gather all the necessary information, complete the SS-4 form accurately, and keep the EIN confirmation letter safe. With an EIN in hand, you can now focus on growing your Oklahoma foreign LLC and complying with the state's legal and tax requirements.

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